Products & Services
* Constant Temperature Bath * Cooling Oven * Cork Borer Or Sharpner
* Cryostat (Low Temperature Bath * Davies Condensers * Desiccator With Lid Plain * Dessicator With Lid Plain
* Dessicator With Lid Vacuum * Digital Colony Counter * Digital Floculator (Jar Tester * Digital Flow Meter
* Digital Moisture Meter * Digital Motorless Multi Magnetic Stirrer * Digital Tablet Dissolution Test Apparatus * Digital Turbidity Meter
* Dissolved Oxygen Meter * Double Coil Condenser * Double Distillation Apparatus * Double Walled Incubator
* Double Water Still System * Dropping Funnel * Dry Heat Sterilizer * Dry Heat Sterilizer Class
* Education Microscope * Electric Fumigator * Ether Condenser * Expansion Adapter
* Extraction Heater Soxhlet * Fiber Glass Model * Flame Photometer * Flask Buchner Filtration
* Flask Buckner Filtration Bolt Neck * Flask Clasin Pear Shaped * Flask Conical Erlenmeyer * Flask Distillation Pear Shaped
* Flask Distillation With Side Tube * Flask Flat Or Round Bottom * Flask Kjeldahl * Flask Pear Shaped Single Neck
* Flask Pear Shaped Three Neck * Flask Pear Shaped Two Neck * Flask Round Bottom * Flask Vigreux Classisen Type
* Flasks Reaction * Flasks Vigreux With Side Neck * Flexible Heating Mantles * Foot Suction Pump
* Freeze Dryer (Lyophiliser * Frezeers * Friedrich Condenser * Furnaces Laboratory
* Gas Or Water Taps * Glass Beaker * Glassware Dryer * Grain And Rice Sizing Device
* Heart Model * Heating Mantle * Horizontal Cylindrical Autoclave * Hospital General Equipments
* Hospital Semi Flower Beds * Hospital Shadowless Light * Hospital Suction Units * Hospital Ward Room Beds
* Hot Air Oven * Hot Air Oven (Laboratory) * Hot Air Oven (Memmert Type) * Hot Plat
* Hot Plate Laboratory (Rectangular) * Hot Plate Laboratory Round * Hot Plates * Hplc Column Oven
* Human Anatomical Models * Human Model * Humidity Chambers * Humidity Oven
* Hybridization Oven * Hybridization Shaker * Incubator Memmert Type * Incubator Bacteriological
* Industrial Oven * Inland Revenue Condenser * Jacketed Coil Condenser * Karl Fischer Titremeter
* Kjedhal Apparatus * Kjedhal Digestion Unit * Kjeldahl Apparatus * Kjeldahl Assembly Heater
* Kjeldahl Digestion And Distillation Unit * Lab Consumables * Lab Desiccators * Lab Incubator
* Lab Microscope * Lab Vacuum Oven * Laboratory Apparatus * Laboratory Autoclaves
* Laboratory Barometers * Laboratory Burners * Laboratory Compasses * Laboratory Condenser
* Laboratory Condensers * Laboratory Equipment * Laboratory Freezers * Laboratory Furnaces
* Laboratory Hot Air Oven * Laboratory Hot Plate Round * Laboratory Hot Plates * Laboratory Incubator
* Laboratory Instruments * Laboratory Machinery * Laboratory Magnets * Laboratory Ovens
* Laboratory Plastic Ware * Laboratory Scientific Instruments * Laboratory Shakers * Laboratory Stirrer
* Laboratory Teflon Ware * Laboratory Thermometers * Laboratory Water Bath Serological * Laminar Air Flow
* Laminar Flow * Large Size Refractory Furnace * Leak Test Apparatus * Leighton Tubes
* Liquid Flow Meters * Liquid Level Indicator * Low Temperature Bath * Low Temperature Cabinet
* Low Temperature Shaking Bath * Magnetic Stirrer * Magnetic Stirrer Bath * Manesty Type Water Still
* Melting Point Appartus * Memmert Type Hot Air Oven * Micro Filtration Flask * Micro Kjedahl (Mantle Type)
* Micro Pipettes * Motorized Pipette Controller * Muffle Furnace * Muffle Furnace 1400 Degree C
* Muffle Furnace High Temperature * Muffle Furnace Laboratory * Multi Magnetic Stirrer * Multi Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate
* Multiple Adapter * Nichrome Corks * Nichrome Or Wooden Corks * Oil Bath
* Oil Bath (Precision) Circulator * Oil Bath (Single Walled) * Operation Tables * Orbital Shaker
* Ovens Laboratory * Over Bed Table * Packing * Perkin Intermediate Receiver
* Pharma1 * Photostability Chamber * Pipette * Plant Growth Chamber
* Plasma Freezers * Plastic Ware * Platform Shaker * Portable Automatic Tabletop Autoclave
* Pour Point Apparatus * Pour Point Bath * Pressure Equalising Funnel * Products
* Pulley Or Motor Demonstration * Quartz Distillation Apparatus * Rate Meters * Reach In Incubator
* Reagent Bottle * Reagent Bottle Narrow Mouth * Receiver Adapters * Receiver Adapters Ben With Vent
* Receiver Adapters Bend With Socket Connections * Receiver Adapters Bend With Vacuum Connection * Receiver Adapters Plain Bend * Rectangular Autoclave
* Rectangular Hot Plate * Rectangular Vacuum Oven * Reduction Adapter * Remote Controlled Hospital Bed
* Retort Stand Or Clamp Or Boss Head * Reversible Type Condensers * Rice Polisher * Ring And Ball
* Rocker Platform Shaker * Rota Mantle * Rotary Microtome * Rotary Shaking Machine
* Rotary Vacuum Evaporator * Roto Fog Turntable * Round Hot Plates * Round Vacuum Oven
* Round Water Bath * Science Laboratory Equipment * Science Laboratory Machinery * Scientific Educational Equipment
* Scientific Human Model * Scientific Laboratory Ware * Scientific Microscope * Scientific Vials
* Seed Germinator Dual Chamber * Separating Funnels * Separating Funnels With Ptfe Stopper * Serological Bath
* Serological Water Bath * Shadowless Light * Shadowless Theater Light * Shaking Bath
* Shawdowless Operation Theatre Light * Silica Crucible * Slide Boxes * Slide Warming Drying And Embedding Table
* Sockets * Soxhelete Unit * Soxhelete Units * Spectrophotometer
* Spherical Joints Ball And Cup * Spinal Model * Split Type Tube Furnace * Stability Chamber (Humidity Oven)
* Stainless Steel Hospital Equipments * Stop Watch Or Clock Or Timer * Straight Delivery Adapters * Surgical Operation Tables
* Surgical Table * Surgical Water Bath * Advance Research Microscope * Ageing Oven (Rubber
* Air Condenser * Amol Pharma * Attendant Beds * Autoclave Trays And Boxes
* Automatic Co2 Incubator * Automatic Co2 Incubator Air Jacketted * Automatic Pipette Washer * Automatic Tabletop Autoclave (Portable)
* Bacteriological Incubator * Bacteriologicil Incubator * Bar Guage * Barnstead Type Water Still
* Basket Centrifuge * Bed Side Locker * Bench Top Reciprocating Shaker * Biological Model
* Block Digestion System * Block Heater * Blood Bank Incubator (Cabinet * Bod Incubator
* Bulk Density Apparatus (Densitometer * Bunsen Burner * Burette Glass * Calibration Bath
* Centrifuge Machine * Centrifuge Tube * Channel Point Apparatus * Chest Type Freezers
* Chromatography Low Temp. Cabinet * Circulator Low Temp. Bath * Circulators Bath * Clinical Microscope
* Cloud And Pour Point Bath * Cod Digestor * Coil Condensers * Coil Condensers Jacket Distillate Type
* Cold Finger Condenser * Cone * Swan Neck Adapter * Tablet Disntegration Test Apparatus
* Temperature Bath For Viscometer Or Evaporator * Test Tube * Test Tube Stand * Test Tube Stand Or Holder
* Tissue Culture Rotator * Tissue Floating Bath * Tube Furnace High Temperature * Tubes Culture Media
* U. V. Cabinet * Ultra Violet Viewing Cabinet * Ultrasonic Bath * Utensil Sterilization
* V. D. R. L. Rotator * Vacuum Dryers Large Chamber * Vacuum Dryers Chamber * Vacuum Oven
* Vacuum Oven (Rectangular) * Vacuum Oven (Round) * Vertical Autoclave * Viscocity Bath
* Viscometer * Viscosity Bath * Walk In Humidity Chamber * Water Bath
* Water Bath (Electric) * Water Bath Round * Water Bath Thermostatic * Water Baths
* Water Distillation * Water Oil Or Bath (Multiple) * Water Still * Water Still (Barnstead Pattern)
* Water Still Manesty Type * Water Still System * Water Still With Metal Heater * Weighing Balance
* Weight Box * Wheel Chair * Wrist Action Shaker * Bar And Guage
* Vacuum Ovens * Stability Chambers * Walk In Stability Chamber